If an individual wants to come to the United States and remain, they must be aware that there are many responsibilities and obligations that come with the opportunity. There are procedural laws and requirements that an individual must follow if they wish to enter into and stay in the United States for any length of time.
Immigration laws are those laws that regulate how an individual from another country may qualify for a visa and under what circumstances that individual may be deported. There are many different types of available temporary and permanent visas. Depending on the purpose for an individual's entry into the United States, there will be a visa that suits their needs.
Individuals who are already in the United States must abide by immigration laws. Many immigrants who already legally reside in the United States have a green card, or a permanent visa.
Individuals with green cards may seek to be citizens. They must, however, refrain from any activities that may bring deportation or removal upon them. It is always wise for an individual to make whatever attempts are possible to reside legally within the United States.
Immigration laws are one of the most complicated areas of law. It can be a very complex system for many individuals to understand. If an individual needs help resolving an immigration law issue, they should contact an immigration lawyer.
Immigration Services
The term "immigration services" refers to any form of assistance for immigration matters provided by various agencies and professionals. The main immigration services department is the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). This is a government operated agency that handles and processes many different immigration applications, forms, and requests. It is the main agency responsible for issuing and handling visa applications.
Alternatively, "immigration services" can refer to private agencies and persons who provide help persons applying for immigration matters. This can include private immigration agencies, non-profit organizations, and immigration attorneys.
Types of Issues Handled by Immigration Services
Immigration service providers often assist and handle issues such as:
- Visa applications
- Change or adjustment of immigration status
- Removal (deportation) hearings
- Petitions for family members
- Naturalization and other citizenship issues
- Employment and immigration matters
- Many other different concerns and issues
Obtaining Advice and Guidance on Immigration Matters
In some cases, the USCIS can provide direct assistance with such matters. On the other hand, the information and personal guidance offered by the USCIS may be limited. In such cases, the applicant may be advised to seek assistance through an immigration agency that specializes in guiding applicants.
Even then, the person may need direct legal representation from an immigration attorney. This is especially true if the person is facing other legal issues associated with immigration, such as employment matters or criminal charges. In some cases, it's best to consult with an attorney at the outset, as they will be able to provide specialized and specific legal advice from the beginning.
Citizenship and Naturalization Applicants
Citizenship and naturalization applicants are individuals who are applying to be citizens of the United States. Becoming a citizen of the United States is a very personal decision.
Deportation or Removal Proceedings
An individual who is a non-resident may be deported from the United States in several different ways. These may include:
- Being arrested as an immigrant;
- Having an application rejected by the USCIS; or
- Having a request for asylum denied.
Permanent Visas or Green Cards
Immigration terminology such as a “visa” and a “green card” may be confusing. These labels are often used interchangeably, even though they refer to two different things. It is also common for these terms to be used in ways that are different from their original meanings.
A visa provides an individual with the right to enter the United States legally. It is a physical stamp that an individual receives on their passport or an equivalent document.
A visa typically has to do with entry into the United States. The term visa also refers to a category in which an individual comes to the United States for a temporary stay, including a student visa or a temporary worker visa.
The term green card is a slang term that refers to the process of obtaining United States citizenship, rather than simply entering into the country. The term green card application may refer to a process regarding immigration, including an adjustment of status or naturalization.
The emphasis of a green card is on citizenship and residency status rather than admissibility into the United States. Physically, a green card is a plastic photo identification card that an individual receives when they are granted lawful permanent resident status.
It is important to note that a green card is known as a permanent visa, even though the term visa typically refers to temporary visa categories. This may provide some clarification regarding these terms.
An individual immigrating to the United States may be eligible for multiple types of visas. The type of visa an individual applies for will depend on whether they intend to stay permanently or for a short time.
Political Asylum and Refugees
Political asylum is provided to individuals who immigrate to the United States in order to flee persecution or civil disturbances in their own country. Political asylum allows an individual to stay within the United States rather than returning to their home country and facing possible violence. The term for the individuals is refugee.
Temporary Visas
If an individual is a non-immigrant that resides outside the United States and wishes to enter the country for business or travel, they may be eligible to receive a temporary visa. This type of visa allows the individual to travel to the United States for a short period of time.
How Can A Lawyer Help Me With Immigration Matters?
Some immigration issues may require the assistance of a qualified immigration attorney. You may need to hire a immigration lawyer if you or a loved one of yours needs assistance with any immigration matters. Your attorney can provide you legal advice on your issues and can tell you which options are best for you to pursue.
An immigration lawyer can provide an individual with assistance with applications for both visas and green cards. A lawyer can help an individual obtain a visa so they can travel to the United States. There may be restrictions that cause an individual to be inadmissible, such as a criminal record. A lawyer can assist the individual in obtaining a waiver or assist with an appeal if their original claim is denied.
Once an individual has legally entered into the United States, they may begin considering how to obtain permanent resident status, or a green card. This is typically the first step towards obtaining full United States citizenship.
A lawyer can assist in determining whether an individual is eligible for a green card. A lawyer can also advise an individual how to keep green card privileges, so they do not lose their chance at obtaining citizenship.
These applications typically involve large amounts of paperwork. After applying for a visa, the applicant will most likely be required to attend immigration hearings at several points during the process. An attorney can provide advice on these matters as well as representation during any immigration proceedings.
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